Tuesday, August 14, 2007

2007 Volunteer Trip

So after much preparation and fund raising, myself and David O'Loughlin are heading over to Malindi to lend a hand for the next month.

Thank you to all who helped and supported the Fund Raising Pirate Show at the weekend. At was a great success, and enjoyed by all, including me which is always a bonus! From this event, laptop sale donations and private donations, there has been over €3000 raised again this year. So with this money, plus David's money he raised himself to invest in the projects, we are well on our way to helping further develop the ICT Resource Centre and also be able to check on things with the schools for PCs for Africa.

Jim, the manager at the centre has plenty of plans for us to get involved in, which includes setting up Internet at the centre, networking a few of the local schools and participating in a basketball competition we are funding.

Should be an exciting trip, and we hope to keep you posted.



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