Brief Summary of Lindsay's Volunteer Work in Malindi 2007
Here's a brief summary of the work that we got at while over in Kenya for the month. It was a good hard working session. 3 weeks intense operations, myself, David the volunteer and the boys at the centre, and after this we took a nice week, safaring with the lads and hanging out in Nairobi.
The main aims of the trip were to review the project as a whole, try and see where we were headed, see how the new venue is working out and give some fresh input and ideas into the project together with the guys running it over there.
Here's a list of what we got up to.
I'll elaborate on some of the activities over the next while.
@ The ICT Resource Centre
Setup LAN connecting the computers together in the centre for file and Internet(in the future) sharing.
Explored Camara's Edu-Buntu OpenSource software
compared and explored differences with MS Windows
trained teachers in its use
trained each other
Setup computer LAN networks in 2 schools & provisioned for 3 more schools to do done in the future
Created links with local ISP for reliable and cheap Internet connections for schools
Installed Internet through local ISP with dial-up always-on connection in Resource Centre
Setup and purchased equipment to show case computer uses
Portable hardrives
PC cameras
TV tuner card
Prepared and started creating database catalog
Started work on a Geographical Information System (GIS) map for Malindi Town
Visited Malindi Prison where we have 4 computers setup for training in-mates
Setup and participated in local basketball tournament
For PCs for Africa
With Camara looking after shipping computers to Kenya now, and planning on setting up a major maintenance centre in Mombasa, PCs for Africa is happily relieving itself of some of its project's duties.
On the Kenyan side, Eric and Garry once again looked after getting the container into the country and storing the computers at Hemmingways hotel before sending them out to prepared schools. Camara were also on the ground and they helped with this process.
While I was in Malindi I organised that from now this will be looked after by the ICT Resource Centre in conjunction with Camara in Mombasa. They will also then carry out future follow ups needed to make sure that the computer labs keeping running successfully.
We also dealt with the growing e-waste problem for the Resource Centre, Schools with computer labs and PCs for Africa storage facility, by sending all broken, irrepairable machines to our technical contact in Nairobi where he can either fix them or break down the parts for other uses.
All in all, it was an amazing trip and since we have gotten back, even more work has been done, here and in Kenya.
I'll try and keep you posted with updates.
Proudly awarding certificates after TOT computer training course at the ICT Resource Centre
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