....how's it all getting on?
Well now, I guess I should tell you what I've been at, seeing as one could wonder if he's doing anything!
Firstly another installment of Christmas:
A few days before Christmas, myself, Eric and Bryan decided to give some food out to those with none, so as to help celebrate Christmas, and put some food in the belly. Currently in Kenya there is a serious drought in the northern region. People and livestock are dying because there is no water, and thus no food produced. Strangely in the west of Kenya they have lots of food. But the government doesn't seem to have been able to organise food from there up to the north.
So we headed into the interior, driving from little village to village giving out food. People were amazed and very greatful. Here are some photos of the project. It was small, but then if everyone did a little small bit (and the government a big bit) all would have the same.

On Christmas eve, Eric did another run, this time with food donated by local people and businesses in Malindi. He arrived at one village, the day after someone had just died from hunger.
The biggest issue here I find is education, not just of schooling, like we might think, but of what is happening elsewhere. People are unaware of government actions in the big city, or of international activities on their behalf.
This is where I think Lindsay and his computers can come in. Currently we are putting computers in schools, which is giving kids the basic education in computer use etc. I am now going around with Encarta encyclopedia and installing this everywhere. Even with this basic (and outdated version) people are getting to see what others do in the world, their struggles and successes. So now I'm thinking it's time to expand this.
Currently I'm looking into setting up a computer training and resource centre, here in the town of Malindi.
The training centre is to give basic and high level skills in computing and the resource centre will be the tool for this educational plan. It will provide access for community based organisations and the general public, to computer resources, and the methods of getting information. Through the internet, and other media.
I'm also developing an offline update service. Where people go around to all computer using people offering software and other updates for computers which don't have internet access (which are most as internet is very expensive here).
Using all these methods, one hopes that there will be a better information flow, and thus perhaps make a few steps towards greater life sustainability and potential.
hey hey, keep up the good work, and keep smiling :)
Jesus, fair play to ya, the week I spent with you we just boozed it up and did nothing. Sorry, sorry, sorry, we did go to Watamu and have a swim before some evening beers.
Sounds like good work. Keep it up.
Your former guest,
Sounds like the second part of the latest blog was written by somebody else, but they didn't sign it. Who contributed that piece (about setting up a centre in Malindi).
Nope it was all written by me, and it is I that is planning the training centre too.
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